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For the past 7 years, I've dedicated my life to the art form of communications. Through film, graphic design, photography, multimedia, creative writing, and more, I've found an outlet of expression that allows me to be who I truly want to be.
I spent middle school at Bak Middle School of the Arts, majoring in communications, and high school at A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts, also majoring in communications. I applied, auditioned, got accepted, learned, laughed, cried, and overall grew as a person during this 7-year period of my life. Although the road was sometimes rocky, I'll forever be grateful for these opportunities that I made for myself.


Little me would've never expected my complete 180 in the selection of a career path. I thought I'd be an astronomer or geologist, yet here I sit spending every day planning how I can make my updated, "refurbished", if you will, dreams come true: I want to be a director.
I actually used to not be a fan of creating films. The reason is simple: I wasn't good at it. After years and years of practice, I can tell you that by some standards I'm still not "good". By others, I'm fantastic. Of course, this goes for everyone in everything they do. There really is no good or bad, right or wrong. There simply is to do and not to do. Recently, I've decided to take some more risks, and therefore "do".
It's kind of silly for me to talk about my career path, as I'm only 18 right now. You know what they say, "Things can change!". Yeah, I've heard it before, but this is different. After so many years of doing something, you would think I'd know whether or not I actually enjoy it. And, much to 6th grade me's disbelief, I really love what I go to school for.
I don't care if people don't think I'm cool because I don't perform on stage, nor do I care if they disapprove because I don't create physical, visual art. I KNOW what I do is special, and I know that what I do really is art. if it wasn't, why else would it be at an arts school?
Being a communications artist has given me so many opportunities. From getting to work with professional designers, to going on field trips to FSPA, to even just the basic equipment and content I have access too, plus so much more.


It's so important to be grateful for the things you have, and I keep that philosophy with me every day. Sometimes, it's hard to have that outlook on life. But it's such a helpful and uplifting thing for both you and those you surround yourself with. Do something because you love it, not because you think it'll please someone else. At the end of the day, you're your own person, just as I'm my own.

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